And so the quest for a decent shirt pattern continues... Enter New Look 6407. In the end, I got an OK shirt, but I don't know if this is really my shirt pattern.
Here is a quick look at the adjustments I made to the front:

And then we come to the back adjustments. There was more going on here. I adjusted for my short back length. I have heard this called a sway back adjstment, but I don't think of myself as having a sway back. Note that once I took 2" out of the center back, I needed to add about 1" back at the hem to keep the length over my tush.
After I compared the back to my sloper, I decided to move the back dart toward my spine. I have "ye olde muffine toppe" and I didn't want a design element pointing directly to it. I also narrowed the shoulders 5/8" to match the front.
You may notice that there are about 4 different versions of the darts. When I rotated the pattern fr the center back fold, this took about 1" off the side hip. I was looking for a way to go down one size in the hips at the back, but I only needed to take off about 3/8" of the back pattern to accomplish that. When I put the shell together it was waaaay too tight at the hips. I almost had to call this a wadder, but then I remembered that I could let out a fair amount at the darts. The shirt was SAVED! Yaaaaaay!

So here's the finished product:

I think that th stripes in the fabric make this look at little like a baseball uniform, but that's my own fault. I'm not thrilled with the darts. I thought they would work because I carry a lot of my bust fullness to the side. I thought that having the darts more towards the sides would work, but it just seems to create this odd line. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
Other issues aside, the back and side views are nice and it does not gap open in the front.

Unless I get some insight into what went wrong here, I will probably keep looking for another basic shirt pattern.
Your blouse looks great! You make a SBA look so ease. I didn't have much luck with mine.
When you did the SBA, how did you place the pattern on the fold of the fabric?
I think it looks great! much better the envelope pic! I have this pattern and was very hesitant, but i think i will do one up in a few weeks. thanks for sharing. hope your move is going well.
Hi: re new look 6407 via from Adelaide, Australia. I see your little problem with bubbly sides near your bust dart. Keep in mind that the bust dart is heavily on the bias and must be sewn with extreme care so as not to stretch the bias into the seam. This will cause the bubbles you have. Allow the machine to do the feeding, and do not be tempted to pull the fabric through from the back. Perhaps your walking foot could be used to good effect here. But overall the blouse is lovely. Try a flesh coloured facing under white next time. Am making this blouse myself this week! Good luck to me!!
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