Tuesday, June 3, 2008
HotPatterns break up
I think I'm "done" with HotPatterns. While I love their styles, I find their lack of pattern marking difficult and their directions sometimes unclear in important ways.
I tried to put the Deco Vibe So Pretty Dress together and it all ended in tears. I think I will have more luck just draping a similar pattern myself.
Major problems:
Illogical and confusing construction directions
/no/ design ease at the waist
waist far too long for me with no obvious way to shorten it.
Like I said, I may keep the pattern around as a draping guide, but I don't think I'll be spending any more money for very expensive, unnecessarily difficult patterns.
Wonderful outfits. Sorry this one didn't work for you, I know how frustrating that is. Congrats on your doctorate! Thanks for the heads up about HotPatterns, I've never tried them.