Friday, June 13, 2008

Clearly, the madness has set in...

I'm attempting to draft a scarf dress for myself. I saw dresses like this one on a hot summer's day and, man, did it ever look like good idea!

Also, G Street is having it's super summer sale with additional 25% off one item coupon, which lead me to buy 3 yards of this amazing silk charmeuse. (With discounts, now only $20/yard. A steal, right? Right?)

This is a work in progress, but I do think it should go together quickly.

First I draped with out cutting. I needed to make sure this was not a foolish idea before a cut into a piece of fabric that had many potential uses in other projects (a comfy art reform bathrobe was by back up plan).

I knew I wanted something with a high enough back that I might have some bra options, so I will have to add a fisheye dart or large tuck under the arms in order to keep the waistline flattering.

Satisfied that this could work, I cut the first piece as a perfect square. I knew it would be too long, but I didn't know by how much. I took off about 12" to keep the longest point off the ground. In then end, I bought about 1 yard too much, but it's really beautiful fabric and I'm sure that I'll figure out something I can do with this.

I then redraped the dress to see how things looked with out the extra weight. I pinned the estimated seams too. I'm not sure if I will need to put a zipper in the back or if the ungathered front with give enough ease to get it on over my head.

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